There’s a more-than two year break in the blog postings, what’s been happening?
The answer is… a lot, actually — at the global, organizational or Glocal level, and personally for our founder. It includes what everyone has experienced — the pandemic and the life and work changes it imposed- and how we’ve internalized it at all those levels. Bottom line, that question has a few answers
- ▷ the mundane – being spread thin, blog posts get sacrificed, so they haven’t happened on this site, and I’m hoping to remedy that with some regularity in the reflections and writing.
- ▷ the pandemic — the stress, it’s shift of focus, the cancellation of many projects and scrambling for others, learning about the PPP (government support for small businesses), and the increased focus on the health of loved ones. This has been the answer to all kinds of questions – why are you tired? why is your spending so challenged? why are you so out-of (or in) shape?
- ▷ the real reason is deeper but related
We all had time to think during the pandemic, to limit our movements, to change our habits and to actually reflect on what we read or watched in the news. We saw conclusively, that despite political borders, our world is undeniably interconnected – the virus was everywhere… and the response or lack thereod, showed us that many issues are interconnected. So, many people’s (and many organizations’) priorities shifted. Here’s a video explaining some of Glocal’s history, types of growth strategy projects we’ve done, why we shifted somewhat, and what we’re doing more of now.
We are still combining business processes and analytics, with mission mindset and creativity. We’re simply focusing on
- ▷allowing more heart and intuition to flow into and through our work, those data stories, and plans.
- ▷leveraging our cross-sector and international experience, analytical education and coaching training, to focus more on long-term sustainability and what motivates people and organizations to change.
- ▷So, we are doing more work on
- * corporate citizenship (CS/R, ESG, DEI, SDGs, etc ie stakeholder and long-term risk management… and care) ,
- * coaching change management and leadership development,
- * and especially loving the workshops and the coaching.
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